Unimaginable shine
Ludicrous Gloss
Gloss is obtained by craftmanship. The Spitshine wax mixture is formulated by Artisans, for Artisans. One wax mixture mainly made to obtain the highest order of gloss possible.
Dicipline your mind
Taking your time
The Spitshine polish was developed to be used with a specific methodology of application. Using water, discipline and skill to create quick and glossy layer. This requires skill and patience to fully master, and will be combined ideally with Sublime wax.

Exceptional shining
Mirroring effect
Thanks to the hard wax formulation the capacity to build layers on leather, gloss retention and depth are exceptional. The European natural pine turpentine provide fast flash and leaves a strong and resilient layer of wax with mobility and plasticity agains natures elements.

Rose wax
Natural Waxes
The formulation uses only natural and vegetable derived waxes. We truly believe petroleum-based waxes as well as coal based montan waxes don’t belong on a quality leather. We successfully balanced the harder waxes such as Carnauba together with the soft bees and rose wax to attain a hard and complex wax mixture without the brittle, cracking properties found in most hard waxes.
The Power of Nature
Natural waxes and oils
Master the craftmanship
Using a spit, bull or mirror shine polish requires skill and training. For those who wants to explore how to use these products we offer guides, check them out.